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DesertFest Antwerp Trix
14/15/16 October 2016
Black Wizard, ALKERDEEL, Torche , SubRosa, Your Highness, Yob, BLACK RAINBOWS, COOGANS BLUFF,  RED FANG, JOY, Black Mirrors, Wolvennest, Purson, Giobia, 1000mods, Elder, Arabrot, COUGH, Colour Haze, Hangman’s chair, The Atomic Bitchwax, Weedeater, Salem’s Pot, AHAB, Pentagram, Electric Citizen, monkey3, Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation, Dorre, Moaningm Cities, Komatsu, EARTH SHIP, MY SLEEPING KARMA,  Black Swarm, DUEL, LA MUERTE, TAU, Lonely Kamel, Uncle Acid and the deadbeats, Castle, Scorpion Child, Goat, Toxic Shock, Vodun

THIRD DAY 16/10/16

Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation Dorre Moaningm Cities /  Komatsu EARTH SHIP MY SLEEPING KARMA Black Swarm DUEL LA MUERTE TAU /  Lonely Kamel Uncle Acid and the deadbeats Castle Scorpion Child Goat Toxic Shock Vodun



DesertFest Antwerp 14-16/10/16

photo by
[photo © Ire Ortega Photographer – all rights reserved]

special Thanks to Desertfest Belgium for Desertfest Antwerp 2016 


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