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Tijuana Horror Club
out on October 29th 2021 

“We live in an oppressive society, squeezed between endless shifts, credit card bills and unreachable lifestyles imposed by social networks. That’s why fans of post-apocalyptic movies often find themselves thinking that, after all, remaining the last person on earth after a nice apocalypse would be an escape from all the problems of everyday life. But if Covid, this sort of light-apocalypse that we have been through, has taught us something is that: no, we would not be prepared for a big-time-apocalypse. It would be cringe.
(It taught us many other things too, but that’s another story)”

Tijuana Horror Club
[October 29, 2021]
rock, horror rock, rock’n’roll, swing punk
Brescia, Italy


Booking: info@cornersoul.it

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