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Killbody Tuning shared a short glance from its cinematographical live experience


A few weeks after the official of its new full-length effort ‘Pictorial’, Swiss cinematic post-rock/ambient post-hardcore collective Killbody Tuning just shared “new” audio/video content with live excerpts from their Film-Concert ‘PI’ recorded in 2017 at 2300 Plan 9 in Switzerland and including the original versions of the songs “My Mother Told Me To Not Stare Into The Sun”, “When I Was 6 I Did” and “I Was Terrified” taken from their album.

"film-concert for the movie PI - part 1" - [January 25th 2019]


from Pictorial
Genre: Rock, Post Rock, Ambient, Metal
Base: Le Locle – La Chaux-de-Fonds – Roanne, France
Label / Booking / Press:
Domino Media Agency


Emotional, contemplative and epic, the music of Killbody Tuning is a world of instrumental soundscapes shaped by ambient, rock and post-rock.  
Since taking off in 2005, the band has always tried to depart from the conventional forms of rock. After their warmly received debut EP, ‘The French Hunter’ (2008), Killbody Tuning have delved into different artistic projects.
In 2009, the band arranged several songs by for the play Clinique de la Raison Close, and one year after this first successful experience, KBT wrote the score for “Dernière Chasse”, a short film directed by the young Swiss filmmaker Julien Humbert-Droz. In order to develop this new project in an innovative way, the band composed new instrumental pieces out of the movie soundtrack. This creative process gave birth to Killbody Tuning’s new album, ’47°0’40.00″N/6°42’20.00″E’, which received positive and enthusiastic reviews throughout Europe.
After touring Switzerland and France in 2011 and 2012, Killbody Tuning spent a whole year writing and rearranging new pieces under the careful guidance of Julien Fehlmann (The Ocean, Coilguns, …). Recorded live and released on Hummus Records (Coilguns, The Fawn,  Louis  Jucker,  Red  Kunz, …) ‘Hello! Welcome, so far…’ (2014).
The, after almost two years touring in Switzerland and France, Killbody Tuning wrote a totally new score for Darren Aronofsky’s masterpiece π; played live at 2300 Plan 9 festival. An hour and a half of organic and instinctive music, which could not be abandoned in this mathematical maze. Killbody Tuning kept its essence and recorded ‘Pictorial’, a raw album made out of hypnotic riffs, dark chaos and bright melancholy

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