out on November 20th 2020
Some three years after their critically acclaimed ‘Night Idyll’ album, Schonwald returns with ‘Abstraction’. Their fourth album release is in a similar mood as their previous three albums, but with an even stronger, technically improved but also darker sound. ‘Abstraction’s theme is inspired by esoteric hymns, aesthetic mantras, echoes of savage human nature. A voyage through introspection of the 21th century’s utopian hopes.

[November 20th 2020]
postpunk, newwave, coldwave
Base: Italy
Label / Booking / Press:
Manic Depression
buy on → manicdepressionrecords.bandcamp
Written, recorded, mixed and mastered
by Alessandra Gismondi and Luca Bandini at Silver Veins Studio
Artwork by Vincent Ripoll
by Alessandra Gismondi and Luca Bandini at Silver Veins Studio
Artwork by Vincent Ripoll
… “Fall Apart”
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