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“Assorted Steamed Sex Jellies In Space Moussaka”
out on August 2nd 2019

In their on-again-off-again career spanning 30+ years, Le Scrambled Debutante have produced some of the most, err… “difficult listening experiences” as well as some of the most ground-breaking and unique amalgams in music at large! Taking the notions that John Cage laid forth many moons ago and running amuck with them, the music of Le Scrambled Debutante is often rather humorous, yet conveys seriousness and sincerity in experimental music. ‘Assorted Steamed Sex Jellies In Space Moussaka’ is no exception. Being provided the title of the album by Psychometrics professor and music enthusiast Dr. David Scales, Le Scrambled Debutante set forth to produce an album of humorous and epic proportions–all the while creating something that was a challenge for even the musicians involved!

For this album, some of the usual bandcamp are present–founder Allan Zane (aka Sir Bear Trapper/aka Exodus Z.-Polenta), Sid Redlin and David Abner. Some fresh new faces include Thee Weenie Ov Tahini and Bald Ape Man. Pick up a copy today and see why the music biz finds Le Scrambled Debutante too much of a pill to swallow!

"Assorted Steamed Sex Jellies In Space Moussaka" 

[August 02, 2019] 
Experimenta, Noise 
Base: Knoxville, Tennessee 
Label / Booking / Press: 
Wraith Productions




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