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release “Vol. III”
out on December 20th 2022

The third official album ‘’VOL.III” best represents the current direction of the band, musically tied to 70’s Sabbath Hard Rock (Ozzy era) and 90s and recent 2000s Heavy Rock by referring to bands such as Cathedral, Spiritual Beggars and Witchcraft, with Stoner/Doom streaks.
An original Italian singing arises from all this musical melting pot, which manages to blend seamlessly with the obscure atmosphere created by dark and negative lyrics whose main theme is death and reoccurring flashbacks that refer to first-hand experienced emotions and miserable true events.

"Vol. III"  

[December 20, 2022]
doom, heavy rock, stoner rock
Frosinone, Italy

Label / Booking / Press: 

Time to Kill Records

… “Signora Morte”



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