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French/Ukrainian quartet Venice May just re-released worldwide a debut full-length album ‘Illusion Is Inevitable’ for CD & Digital through its own web-store.

Venice May is a project founded between Paris (France) and Kiev (Ukraine) in 2013 by Natalia and Vincent, a couple both on and off stage. Their first common effort, ‘Illusion Is Inevitable’ was released in September 2018.

Fundamentally rock, full of melodic entanglements and ethereal atmospheres, their music also incorporates elements from post-rock and from the traditional singing of Natalia’s native country, Ukraine.

They do not like to cite influences, the desire and the ambition to deliver a unique sound being too strong. 

“Illusion Is Inevitable”


[September 26, 2018]

alternative rock / melodic rock / post-rock

Base: Paris, France

Label / Booking / Press:
Domino Media Agency


Natalia Samofalova
– Vocals, Piano
Vincent Bedfert
– Guitar
Jérémie Legrand
– Drums
– Bass

All Songs Written and Produced
by Vincent & Natalia
Mixed and Mastered by Alexey Stetsyuk
at Grave Town Productions.





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