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Holy Swing
“To the burn and turn of time”
out on November 8th 2019 

Four-piece band from Bergamo (Italy).
Holy Swing started to play together in fall 2013.
In spring 2015 they released first EP.
“To the burn and turn of time” was recorded between August 2018 and September 2019.

“To the burn and turn of time”
Holy Swing
[November 8, 2019]
emotional hardcore, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie rock
Base:  Bergamo, Italy


Recorded by Diego Marchesi (Fosso Records)
Produced by Giacomo Corpino (Whale Audio Studio)
Mastered by Alan Douches (West West Side Studio)

All songs were written and recorded by Holy Swing.
… “Flower Bed”


[photo by photo by @cp_Prs – raw_photographer]
taken from 
Emo Sucks Chapter 01
Rock’n’Roll Milano2019_11_22 – PHOTO REPORT w/ La Siepe at Rock’n’Roll Milano 





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