Oltre ad avere uno splendido paesaggio che si affaccia sull’Oceano Atlantico, Lisbona ha anche la sua storia, la sua cultura, il suo folklore, etc etc…
Quello che a noi oggi interessa particolarmente è il lato musicale.
Già abituati a sonorità più dark metal dei connazionali Moonspell non ci sorprendiamo nello scoprire altre band interessanti, anche se non così estreme. Il sound che ci apprestiamo a farvi conoscere è quello dei KINETIC GLASS.
Un nuovo progetto che rivede una consolidata coppia musicale, Suspiria Franklyn e James Jacket, ovvero Les Baton Rouge, con la quale hanno pubblicato ben tre EP e due LP. Dopo essersi esibiti per oltre 15 anni, in più di 10 paesi in tutto il mondo, sono qui ancora insieme per dar via ad un’altra avventura.
Vediamo il loro iter:

-Spaziergang (2010-2012)
-Suspicious (2005-2010)
-Mediatic Slaves (2005-2007)
-Women Non-Stop (2000-2001)
-Kiute Loss (1996-1998)
-Everground (1994-1997)

-The Watchout Sprouts (2010-2013)
-Mediatic Slaves (2005-2007)
-Kiute Loss (1996-1998)
Kinetic Glass – “Radio Era”
– Directly from Lisbona, today we are together to Suspiria Franklyn and James Jacket with their new project – “Kinetic Glass“.
Wellcome on Allternative.
Both of you have played so much, how is it to work so long together?
It´s great! We are brother and sister and we have almost the same age. We don´t have to communicate much with eachother, by this time we know our roles pretty well.
It’s been more than 20 years since we started to compose songs together. After the release of several album and so many tours together everythings comes out pretty natural nowadays.
What is your secret?
It has to come out one way or another like an exorcism or an alien parasite. It´s just a thing we do, there´s no secrets, eventhough there´s a concrete vision. The rabbit comes out of the hat but we don´t know how he ended up there, there´s a good part of it that is a mistery to us…
I’ve listened Les Baton Rouge, it’s a very punk band…but listening the “Kinetic Glass”, we note that this project turns around the genre about New Wave/Synth music. It’s correct?
We are using different gear, analog electronic gear. Kinetic Glass has many layers. Les Baton Rouge sound was made with a guitar, bass and drums. As a musician, I wanna have as much fun as I can, to have fun for me is to try different things. Out tastes in music allways been diverse.
It’s not the first time we do New Wave Synth Music. We have done it before with the band Mediatic Slaves (where we worked together as well) and I also done it before with Suspicious (a band I had with a belgian punk singer Caroline Werbrouck from Harakiri). However, Kinetic Glass is something totally different and new for us. It’s a new phase in our carreers.
How did this change?
We get easely bored, that how it happened! 🙂 I feel embarassed everytime i feel like i am repeating myself.
We like to try new sounds and new equipment to challenge us and to shape us in a new direction.
Radio Era is the first track of new ep, how many songs will be composed this work?
We will release 6 songs, an EP. We have 3 songs ready to go and the other 3 are almost ready as well. All songs sound very different from eachother, there will be no specific genre of music.
When will you present a new full-lenght and when the tour starts?
We hope that the EP will be well received. The release will be in September. The tour shall start by that period.
We are looking forward to share this new work with everybody. It would be great to tour in Italy since we never done it before. Thanks!
Well. Thanks for your time and see you at the next meet. Bye
It was a pleasure. Thank you for your support! Bye
L’EP è in procinto di uscire, nell’attesa vi facciamo ascoltare la colonna sonora del corto che li vede tra i vincitori del
Best Short Competition svoltosi il 9 ottobre del 2014 a San Diego, California. Nikki S.Colt and Miguel de Oliveira(United Kingdom), sono i registi del cortometraggio “Alice In Underland” e per la musica si sono avvalsi dell’esperienza di Suspiria Franklyn per la voce/doppiaggio del personaggio “Bianconiglio” e James Jacket per la colonna sonora originale. La produzione è della Reaper Agency di Londra. Qui il tesaer.
Alice in Underland OST
See you sooooooon
[whohit]KINETIC GLASS[/whohit]