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White Room
“Manifesto dell’estetica”
out on May 3rd 2020 

Try to imagine yourself standing in a closed claustrophobic empty white space. Suppose there’s no time.
A light from behind leads your own imagination confusing your eyes. it appears as a mixture which elaborates in past flavored picture inside your brain. The whole space is taken up by bodies which are constantly on mutation: black bodies, naked bodies, white bodies, dirty bodies, many and only one. They are loosing their own borders converting their own form into organic material. Pure essence.
Sounds hold the rein of this massive show in which your body slowly collapse. Dark atmosphere, post punk resonance, melancholy subversive words. Your perception of reality fucks off and now you can taste a new one, a different one.
The leading idea is the construction of situations, involving the spectator who is force to bite our main course hoping s/he manages to chew it and finally swallow it. Our course is never pleasant it could be boiling, disgusting, too much spicy despite we keep serving it.
White Room is made of mutant bodies, often much more bodies than the usual five. The stage is actually a medium, a place where the action develops and at the same time a place where tearing it down. White Room is a constant research of contamination and experimentation.

“Manifesto dell’estetica”
White Room
[May 03, 2020]

darkwave / postpunk

Base:  Massa, Italy
Label / Booking / Press: 
Scatti Vorticosi Records



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