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Greece’s psychedelic punk outfit Bazooka have released their new face-melting full-length record, ‘Zero Hits’, in late January.

And now, following last month’s video for the opening track “Ela (Come)“, Athens’ greatest punk live act returns with a new video for the Lp’s “Fylaki (Prison)”. The video created by the Kick-Ass Video Productions.
Bazooka – “Prison”

Frontman Xanthos Papanikolaou says the song “was born from the thought that we are seemingly free, yet we are locked up in our own mental cell.
You know, we create our personal hell and we don’t even know it. And some of us even believe that it’s a place of love and happiness.”


Zero Hits


[January 18, 2019]

Genre: Psych, Punk

Base: Athens, Greece

Label / Booking / Press:

Inner Ear

If Ahristi Genia (Useless Generation) surprised everyone with the directness of Greek lyrics and Zougla (Jungle) made clear the band’s intention to move forward and experiment, Zero Hits is determined to sweep everything away and definitively and irrevocably confirm that we are dealing with a great band.
From the Dionysian “Ela (Come)”, the characteristic wind instruments in “Keno (Void)” and “Filaki (Prison)” to the Stoogesque guitar and saxophone sounds in the autobiographical “Vradini Vardia (Night Shift)” and the psychedelic 60’s “Adiafores Maties (Indifferent Glances)”, Zero Hits presents Bazooka more fresh and dynamic than ever, making the title of the album sound totally ironic.
Recorded at Electric Highway Studio with sound engineer band member John Vulgaris and produced by the band themselves, ‘Zero Hits’ must be played LOUD.





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