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The Oho

“Shakespeares and Waterfalls”
 indie rock

Concorde Music Company / Secret Entertainment


Concorde Music Company proudly presents the OHO’s debut “Shakespeares And Waterfalls”. The album will come out in the group’s native Finland on April 14 and will see its international release a few weeks later on May 5, coming out in England, Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and China.
The OHO is a new pop-flavored rock band formed in 2013. One could say that their debut is their own little symphony, the movements of which the group has been perfecting a long time.
The album is produced by the boys in the band in collaboration with Erno Laitinen and Janne Saksa. The songs have been written by the guitarist and lead vocalist Lappe and his brother Tommi Tikka.
The members of OHO have toured the world in such bands as Carmen Gray and the Black League. The tunesmith duo of Lappe and Tommi have written not only the entire catalog of Carmen Gray but also material for quite a few top artists in Finland.


“Shakespeares and Waterfalls”



… “Lazy Afternoon”

Lappe – Vocals & Guitars

Reeo Tiiainen – Guitars & Backing Vocals
Pete – Bass
Rale – Drums
J.J. – Keyboards


The Oho

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Concorde Music Company / Secret Entertainment



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